

v2ray 分是指利用 v2ray 工具实现对网络数据的能路由和调度,从而达到加速访问特定网站或服务的目的。合理设置 v2ray 的则和策略,可以让部分数据经过代理服务器传输,而其他数据直接连接至目标服务器。


vray 分流依赖于多种技术手段来实现智能路由和数据划分: -Vmess协议**:采用动态端口与节点通信,可实现动态调度。

  • Mux:路复用技术,在同一连接上同时传输多个独立数据流。
  • 域名解析:根据域名进行智能识别并进行相应处理。


以下是在Windows系统上使用 Clash for 进行 Vmess + TCP + TLS + 二级伪装 的简要配置过程(以SS/SSR为例):n1. 下载并安装 Clash for WindowsVPS BBR加速脚本工具箱 The article continues with detailed steps on setting up the VPS and installing the required software. also covers creating and configuring a new profile in Clash for Windows, setting up routing rules and policies. The content dives into advanced configuration options such as domain strategy, bypassing certain websites or IP ranges from the proxy to meet specific needs. The next section discusses troubleshooting common issues encountered during the setup process such as connection problems or performance optimization. The article provides solutions to these problems by addressing potential causes of failure and offering
