shadowsocks-libev simple-obfs 增加特征教程与FAQ

When using shadowsocks-libev with simple-obfs, adding features is an effective way to enhance network security. This article will show you how to add features to simple-obfs.

Step 1: Install shadowsocks-libev

  • First, make sure you have installed shadowsocks-libev. If not, follow the official guide to install it.

Step 2: Install simple-obfs plugin

  • Next, you need to install the simple-obfs plugin, which is a key step in adding features to shadowsocks-libev.

Step 3: Configure simple-obfs

  • Open the simple-obfs configuration file and adjust various configuration parameters according to your needs, including the settings for adding features.

Step 4: Restart the shadowsocks service

  • Finally, restart the shadowsocks service to.


How can I verify if the feature addition is successful?

  • You can use network packet capture tools to check the data packet headers and confirm that the feature has been successfully added.

Will adding features affect network speed?

  • In general, adding features will not significantly affect network speed, but the specific effect depends on your network environment and configuration settings.

Do I need to update simple-obfs every time shadowsocks-libev updates?

  • It is recommended to update simple-obfs along with shadowsocks-libev updates to ensure compatibility and security patches for the latest features. However, this may vary depending on the changes in each update.