Comprehensive Guide to Google

What is Google Cloud?

Google Cloud is a cloud computing service provided by Google, allowing users to rent virtual machine instances, storage resources, etc., to build websites, applications, or for data analysis.

What is v2ray?

v2ray is a commonly used proxy tool that uses various protocols and obfuscation techniques to hide network traffic and bypass censorship.

What is ssr?

ssr stands for ShadowsocksR, a branch version of Shadowsocks that offers more secure and stable proxy services.

Setting up v2ray and ssr on Google Cloud

  1. Create a new virtual machine instance on Google Cloud.
  2. Install and configure the server software for v2ray and ssr.
  3. Set up firewall rules to allow communication on relevant ports.
  4. Install v2ray and ssr client software on local devices and.


Can Google Cloud be used for free trial?

Yes, Google Cloud provides new users with a certain amount of free trial credits to experience and evaluate its services.

What are the differences between v2ray and ssr?
