
1. 安装与配置

  • 使用搬瓦工VPS的用户可以通过以下步骤在go语言环境中进行配置:
    • 登录VPS
    • 下载并安装go语言环境
    • 配置环境变量
    • 测试go语言环境是否搭建成功
  • 以上步骤简洁清晰,即使是初学者也能轻松操作。

2. 常见问题解决

  • 问题1:go语言环境安装过程中报错怎么办?
    • 可能是网络问题导致下载失败,检查网络连接并重新下载安装程序。
  • 问题2:如何查看go语言的版本?
    • 在命令行中输入go version,即可显示当前go语言的版本信息。
  • 问题3:如何安装go语言的依赖包?
    • 使用命令go get 模块路径来安装相应的依赖包。


  • How to install go language environment on Bandwagon VPS?
    • You can install the go language environment on your Bandwagon VPS by following the steps mentioned in this article.
  • What should I do if there is an error during the installation of the go language environment?
    • If you encounter an error, it might be due to a network issue. Please check your internet connection and try to download the installation program again.
  • **How can I check the version of the go language installed? – the the go you version the command line, and it will display the current version information.
  • How to install dependencies for go language? for the go get module-path.

